In case a lot of you didn't know {which you probably don't because we haven't told many people} we are MOVING! {again...wah.. wah...}. Which I am not really looking forward to but I am definitely going to try to see it as a positive and not a negative and more of a fresh "do over" if you will and a new start to the new changes I've already made in my life! It is out in the country between where we live now and where we work so it will cut gas expenses in half and the rent is reasonable and no utilities except electric. It was a hard decision but it was one we knew we had to make. Dane is very excited to move out in the country which makes me happy because I think that maybe one day I could talk him into buying a house in the country! We will hopefully be staying in this duplex for a while until we save up a good down payment on a house. The puppies can have a place to run and we will save money in gas and rent in the meantime. So here's to a fresh start!
In other news, the 20 lb weight loss has only increased to a 21 lb weight loss in 1 week and a half's time! Just so you know, I was totally expecting this and I am not worried at all. It's about time for me to switch up my exercise routine or modify my eating habits so jump start the weight loss again and I am ready for the challenge! I am starting to follow some of the tips from this website.
Here's what happens when Dane horses around on the recliner. I told him we would tip! Then the dogs got him :)
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