Helloooo Whole30 Homies,
I am reporting to you from the trenches of a Whole 90, Day 61! I am over a third of the way to the end of this journey which will be July 20th, 2016, my thirtieth birthday.
This is my present to myself. I don't have a lot of money to even think about planning something special, and I am so glad I decided to do this back in April. I have had several false starts with Whole30s, starting many rounds and completely finishing about four rounds. One such round was this past January leading up to my little sisters wedding. I felt great at the end!
It's so funny how quickly I forgot how good I felt when my husband would want to order Chinese food! I mean crab rangoon, how could I resist.
I am almost to that point where Psychologists say a healthy food habit is formed, which is 66 days. I can feel it. I can totally feel it. I also am totally bored with cooking! I made chicken salad recipe yesterday and ate the left overs today and I am just not feeling it. I know there is nothing non compliant in it but it just made me feel sick. I think I'm in the food boredom stage. But I know that mozz sticks and ice cream would make me feel worse! So I'm pressing on.
I even feel like I could go on and do a Whole120 after this but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
My NSVs so far:
Not feeling as hungry all the time! I get very full easily.
New recipes that I now love! Lots of curry based dishes that are the bomb.
I am totally finally motivated to exercise! This is huge for me. Like really huge.
I can mow my whole yard, no problemo. I never mowed before.
My skin is so much clearer. I also use Fatface cleansing oil as well.
My skin on my body feels smoother and happier. I don't need to moisturize with lotion a lot.
I smell good? I don't know how to describe it. My deodorant is almost not necessary but it smells like lavender and I like it.
I started oil pulling and supplementing with liquid Chlorophyll. My breath is soo much better. My dad and my brother (my biggest critics) said my breathe smelled really good on Sunday! This is huge.
I feel skinnier and more confident with my body. My clothes fit way better. I have gone down at least one pants size, probably two.
SV (scale victories):
I have lost 17 pounds as of 60 days on the Whole30!
Well there ya go!
More updates to come on this Whole90 journey!!