Helloooo Whole30 Homies,
I am reporting to you from the trenches of a Whole 90, Day 61! I am over a third of the way to the end of this journey which will be July 20th, 2016, my thirtieth birthday.
This is my present to myself. I don't have a lot of money to even think about planning something special, and I am so glad I decided to do this back in April. I have had several false starts with Whole30s, starting many rounds and completely finishing about four rounds. One such round was this past January leading up to my little sisters wedding. I felt great at the end!
It's so funny how quickly I forgot how good I felt when my husband would want to order Chinese food! I mean crab rangoon, how could I resist.
I am almost to that point where Psychologists say a healthy food habit is formed, which is 66 days. I can feel it. I can totally feel it. I also am totally bored with cooking! I made chicken salad recipe yesterday and ate the left overs today and I am just not feeling it. I know there is nothing non compliant in it but it just made me feel sick. I think I'm in the food boredom stage. But I know that mozz sticks and ice cream would make me feel worse! So I'm pressing on.
I even feel like I could go on and do a Whole120 after this but let's not get ahead of ourselves!
My NSVs so far:
Not feeling as hungry all the time! I get very full easily.
New recipes that I now love! Lots of curry based dishes that are the bomb.
I am totally finally motivated to exercise! This is huge for me. Like really huge.
I can mow my whole yard, no problemo. I never mowed before.
My skin is so much clearer. I also use Fatface cleansing oil as well.
My skin on my body feels smoother and happier. I don't need to moisturize with lotion a lot.
I smell good? I don't know how to describe it. My deodorant is almost not necessary but it smells like lavender and I like it.
I started oil pulling and supplementing with liquid Chlorophyll. My breath is soo much better. My dad and my brother (my biggest critics) said my breathe smelled really good on Sunday! This is huge.
I feel skinnier and more confident with my body. My clothes fit way better. I have gone down at least one pants size, probably two.
SV (scale victories):
I have lost 17 pounds as of 60 days on the Whole30!
Well there ya go!
More updates to come on this Whole90 journey!!
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Friday, November 6, 2015
What the Whole30 taught me about My Silent Enemies that I Refuse to Ignore
I have now been through four cycles of Whole30 since February of 2015 #whole30alumni (and many months of being off the wagon) and I have learned several important lessons! One of the biggest things I have learned through my Whole30 journey is about the sneaky epidemic of inflammation and how it can mess with your body in ways you never imagined. I know for me, eliminating dairy and other inflammatory foods have been life altering! I never realized that just a little butter with my steak could make me stuffy the next morning or a little ranch dressing could make my acne flare up. I know that know that I mostly follow a Whole30 template and add in "Worth it" cheats here and there. Now my idea of worth it is changing!
I also feel as though a little wine is NOT just a little wine. I know now that alcohol is a toxin, no matter how many carbohydrates or sugars, or if it's just Gluten Free Hard Cider. It still affects your body the same way and it is still bad for you. Now that's not to say that I won't have a drink of wine here or there, but I am very aware of what it is doing to my body and how I need to care for it before and after. And what I can expect from my body the next day.
Soy is another sneaky enemy I know will be out of my life. I used to drink a Soy Cinnomon Dolce Latte from Starbucks every day. Every day! I used to work at Starbucks when we lived in Jacksonville and I thought it was a 'healthy' dairy free option. Then I learned that it made my body produce more estrogen and it also made my cycle hell! That summer I literally thought I was going to die by period. No joke. Nooooo joooookkkeee. I don't even touch the tofu in the miso soup when we go out for sushi. I don't put soy sauce on NOTHIN' and nobody can make me. It is that instantly painful for me.
Gluten and grains in general. Don't miss ya. I never realized how jacked gluten can make your tummy. Why would I want to constantly feel stomach pain? And all the carbs in bread and chips mess with your blood sugar and makes you crash. Wah wah... no thank you.
Sugar, don't crave ya!! When I even taste artificial sweeteners it's just too much. I have discovered the name for what I crave thanks to Melissa Joulwan's blog. She says it is called "Umami" and it is a meaty savory flavor. That's me to a T!
Now a days, I follow a pretty close Whole30 template, I constantly shop the staples such as protein and veggies, I prep sweet potatoes, Chili, whole chicken, bone broth, Whole30 Mayo, Sunshine Sauce, some sugar free bacon, and I've added a Vegan Protein shake to my regimen. I also take Chromium, Magnesium, Fish Oil, NAC, and Myo-Inositol. I drink my warm lemon water every morning. I feel better but I feel the need for a pure Whole30 coming on! My husband and I also bought a treadmill and elliptical machine last week. He's doing a low carb approach right now and has lost a few pounds. He's getting a lot of veggies and protein in so I am proud of him!
I love looking at everyone's photos on Instagram! They are so inspiring! They help me keep up this Whole30 lifestyle.
I also feel as though a little wine is NOT just a little wine. I know now that alcohol is a toxin, no matter how many carbohydrates or sugars, or if it's just Gluten Free Hard Cider. It still affects your body the same way and it is still bad for you. Now that's not to say that I won't have a drink of wine here or there, but I am very aware of what it is doing to my body and how I need to care for it before and after. And what I can expect from my body the next day.
Soy is another sneaky enemy I know will be out of my life. I used to drink a Soy Cinnomon Dolce Latte from Starbucks every day. Every day! I used to work at Starbucks when we lived in Jacksonville and I thought it was a 'healthy' dairy free option. Then I learned that it made my body produce more estrogen and it also made my cycle hell! That summer I literally thought I was going to die by period. No joke. Nooooo joooookkkeee. I don't even touch the tofu in the miso soup when we go out for sushi. I don't put soy sauce on NOTHIN' and nobody can make me. It is that instantly painful for me.
Gluten and grains in general. Don't miss ya. I never realized how jacked gluten can make your tummy. Why would I want to constantly feel stomach pain? And all the carbs in bread and chips mess with your blood sugar and makes you crash. Wah wah... no thank you.
Sugar, don't crave ya!! When I even taste artificial sweeteners it's just too much. I have discovered the name for what I crave thanks to Melissa Joulwan's blog. She says it is called "Umami" and it is a meaty savory flavor. That's me to a T!
Now a days, I follow a pretty close Whole30 template, I constantly shop the staples such as protein and veggies, I prep sweet potatoes, Chili, whole chicken, bone broth, Whole30 Mayo, Sunshine Sauce, some sugar free bacon, and I've added a Vegan Protein shake to my regimen. I also take Chromium, Magnesium, Fish Oil, NAC, and Myo-Inositol. I drink my warm lemon water every morning. I feel better but I feel the need for a pure Whole30 coming on! My husband and I also bought a treadmill and elliptical machine last week. He's doing a low carb approach right now and has lost a few pounds. He's getting a lot of veggies and protein in so I am proud of him!
I love looking at everyone's photos on Instagram! They are so inspiring! They help me keep up this Whole30 lifestyle.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Whole30 Round 3!
I am so very excited that my husband and I will be starting a Whole30, Round 3 (for me, Round 2 for him) tomorrow May 26th! My husband had such great results the first time that the Whole30 Instagram page re-posted my picture of him and even created a new hashtag especially for him: #beardsofwhole30. Haha!
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The before and afters I snapped of Dane that were reported on Inst by the Whole30 page! |
Coming into Round Three I feel really good and really confident, because of the previous two rounds. I know what I like and how to set myself up for success. I know that I went off plan quite a bit these past few days but before that was really trying to eat Paleo between Round 2 and now. I can honestly tell when I eat something and how it directly makes me feel better or worse. One of the things I miss is the sweet, sweet Whole30 sleep.
My goals this round are:
Better sleep
Less muscle/hip pains
Tiger Blood faster (last time was day 26 and 20)
Try some new recipes
Feel better in my clothes
Anyone else starting Whole30 soon? I'd love to hear from you!
Monday, March 23, 2015
Whole30 Results
And I LOVED it.
Here's a recap of my 30 days, the good, the bad and the Ugly... Oh yeah.
A little bit about my history.....
Those of you who do not know me, please be aware that I have been diagnosed with a very serious very painful autoimmune disorder that is of the Lady Persuasion. It affects my life very deeply and very significantly. If you do not want to read about this, this blog post is not for you.
However, I'm not going to apologize for having it.
I mean, I kinda have to deal with it, not you, and aren't you blessed:) I have been a lot better about talking about it and just not being embarrassed about it anymore. I have suspected that I have a autoimmune disorder called 'endometriosis' since I was 14 years old. My normal doctor mentioned it after I told him how sick I was during my cycle but then never said or did anything about it and I suffered for 14 more years. In April of 2014 I began seeking out answers after my husband and I had still not conceived a child after not preventing and trying for 4 years. That's when after MRI's and Ultrasounds, an office worker called me on the phone (I was in the car transporting a teenage foster child to her foster home so I couldn't ask questions).
She said "You have adenomyosis; it's something having to do with your uterus".
Literally. That's what she said. And nothing else. I'll keep the anger part to myself.
So I officially have a diagnosis of Adenomyosis. To be officially diagnosed with Endometriosis, you have to undergo surgery called a Laparoscopy. I was supposed to get one in January 2015 and I decided not to at this point but I may decide to in the future. So if you want to learn more about all that it entails, I really like this post from Yellow Paper Dress and The Pink Hair Girl. I literally fell into the deepest depression I think my body is capable of experiencing. I remember freezing up that next day and I couldn't move out of my chair after crying all day and feeling sick. I called my sister and asked her to help me out of my chair because I was scared that I couldn't move. I look back on that now and realize that wasn't just a physical reaction, it was an emotional, mental and spiritual one. There aren't words to describe what this past year has felt like for me. I researched and realized that my prospects of becoming a mom were bleak. That just almost destroyed me. Beyond that, my husband started a new business and we weren't getting any income on his part but he was working harder than ever, I worked at a job that dealt with less than stellar parents (and sometimes removing children from their care) and on top of that, the pain of adenomyosis was flaring like none other (stress anyone?). In January of 2015 I sat and cried to my doctor about EVERYTHING. She diagnosed me with Chronic Stress Disorder.
That being said...
My co-worker and I had talked a lot over this past year about the research we have individually done on the the effect of food on our bodies. She had a very serious condition and her doctor had recommended The Paleo Diet. She loves sugar and had found it hard to stick to anything like that. We would get coffee in the morning at the office, talk about interesting articles we had read about how food can heal, and then said, maybe someday we can follow through on a diet like that! We both work in a very stressful field (Child Welfare) and she is actually in the legal field (very stressful). We just didn't think we could realistically do it, but we knew we COULD. Seriously, months we talked about it people. MONTHS!
Enter the Whole30!
Day One was the first day of Lent. The co-worker who encouraged me to do it had found a support group online and they had all decided that the first day of Lent was a perfect day to start. For me, I wanted the support of someone I knew that was doing it, so I decided to also start on February 18th with her. I had never observed Lent even though I am a Christian and I thought this would be a nice way to prepare myself for Easter. In addition to doing the Whole30, I decided to make a concerted effort to do my devotionals each day and to also Journal. I really have always loved journaling and during significant parts of my life, I have been drawn to journaling out my life. I also love the art of cursive and like to keep my handwriting up to par. (Hey, it's about to become a lost art and I feel a responsibility to keep it alive! You write FASTER people!)
Day One also happened to be........
The first day of my monthly cycle.
If you read the above links, you get a little picture of what this means for me. It usually means missed work and being generally out of commission. I stay in my bed or chair wrapped up in blankets with my heating pad, take 800 mg of Ibuprofen every four hours (3 1.2 hours if I just can't make it to 4. My doctor freaked the freak out when he learned about this and told me to take a drug so my liver wouldn't give out because I told him I wasn't taking Narcotics and I wasn't living with the pain) and pray that I would either die or feel better. It's a very helpless/depressing/horrible place to be. And I get this way every 26 days of my life for 4 days at a time. It doesn't care about special occasions or plans either.
On top of this, I had the flu and after meal prepping all evening, was up all night getting sick.
But I was NOT deterred.
I had spend WEEKS preparing for this mentally and had already meal prepped. (Thank you thank you thank you Melissa Joulwan for this meal plan.) I wasn't hungry but I had to eat sometime, and why not eat the meals I had already prepared? I eased into the eating part with no problem due to the prep.
I also have never really liked sugar. Honestly. It makes me a little sick. I never like pop or carbonated drinks. I had a really huge advantage here, I realize. I have always liked savory flavors, or what is called Umami. This diet was playing into all those tastes and flavors. I was able to put Himalayan Pink Sea Salt and Garlic Powder on my sweet potatoes, steamed veggies and chicken and pretty much anything I cooked. I added avocado and a little sauce (Sunshine, Morrocan, or Whole30 Mayo)I kept my little sautee pan on the stove, heated up coconut oil, and made my little hot plates each day. I cleaned out my sautee pan every day or two and besides the meal prep dishes, didn't really feel that overwhelmed with dishes or clean up. I was living the dream. Once I started the Whole30, my body felt very different in many good and some bad ways. Here's my list:
The 'side effects'.
1:. There's Exhuasted, then there's this....
I have never been so tired in my entire life! At first I was really careful to separate my adenomyosis symptoms that I regularly have from Whole30 withdrawals. For the first 2 weeks solid, I was exhausted. I was still drinking coffee (now black) and was needing it in the afternoons as well. Now I realize that this was a never ending cycle of exhaustion so I drink caffeine, then I can't sleep, then the day starts all over again. I was exhausting my adrenals. My next goal will probably be less coffee. I read Melissa Hartwig's article on quitting Coffee and it really spoke to me! Word for word. I am pretty emotionally attached to my coffee so I'm going to stop talking about this for a while before I cry.
2:. Is My Stomach... Eating itself?!?
The other side effect I experienced was a pretty significant "stomach ache" but a better way of describing it was a "stomach pain beyond words" almost like my stomach lining was being ate away. I don't know how else to describe it. It was defiantly my stomach and it was right under/below my lungs. It was after I ate or when I was hungry. My husband thinks that my body was overproducing stomach acid to help with all the new whole foods I was eating and I tend to agree with him. It was pretty bad though. I was feeling so great in so many other areas of my life, but after I ate I would have such intense pains. I never got bloated, I never had stomach "issues" and I was completely perfectly regular in that area. But the stomach pains were very significant.
3:. Slight boredom
Honestly, I almost wouldn't list this. I was really enjoying the foods I was preparing. I enjoyed feeling full until the next meal and I didn't really have strong cravings. There was a time about 3 weeks in though that I got slightly bored. I wanted to eat something off plan just to eat something different, but I didn't really crave it or need it. I know I didn't want to feel sick again and it was easy to talk myself out of it. So really this was a non-issue but it did happen a few times.
The 'Benefits'
1:. Improved mood but more importantly, PEACE
Everything seemed more stable. I wasn't irritated as easily, I felt more optimistic, and I definitely wasn't depressed anymore. I had recently been diagnosed with Chronic Stress Disorder and was having a hard time dealing with my stressful job. I also had a second job due to our current finances and having three day weekends from my other job, it just made sense. I really like my second job but it was a lot on my plate. On the Whole30, it became infinitely easier to deal with life's day to day stresses. It wasn't the end of the world when something stressful happened and I had peace and the ability to work through it. The biggest thing that meant the most to me was that when I fell asleep at night, I was happy and content. I used to fall asleep crying a little while praying to God that he would help me ... feel better I guess. But it just kept coming out, Help Me. I was so uncomfortable falling asleep that all I could do was a very childish,very hopeless prayer of "Please God, just help me. Just do something" The first week on Whole30, I was falling asleep praying "Thank you, Lord, for showing me the Whole30. Thank you God." I felt that much better already and my hope was growing.
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Feeling Free |
2:. My clothes look GOOD on me
I noticed instantly that my clothes were getting looser. They started to actually look good on me. I didn't have that uncomfortable feeling each day getting dressed. I was so excited that my dress pants weren't so tight and knew that soon I could start fitting into my old pairs. I knew that I was going to lose weight on this plan pretty early on. I tend to believe that a lot of this was due to the dairy I had been consuming and the inflammatory effect it was having on my body. I did end up losing 9 lbs.
3:. No more perma-cold
Pre-Whole30 I was constantly feeling like I was sniffling/sneezing and waking up stuffy. I think once again my culprit here is dairy because of the inflammatory effect. I did get a head cold during my whole 30 but was able to kick it quickly. I started waking up and noticing less of that yucky stuffy feeling and clearer breathing.
4:. I got the Tiger Blood!!!!!!!!!!!
On Day 26, it happened to me. I was starting to wonder where it was but when it came, it was soooo exciting! I had a busy night on my feet at my second job the night before, had to be up super early for Church Worship team that day, and then went straight back to work that evening. But I felt full of energy! I was happy! My clothes looked good! My skin looked good! I worked all day and still had energy to spare. I knew it right away, this was Tiger Blood. I promise you it made everything else in my journey worth it.
5:. My skin is Glowing... and it's not hurting!
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Before Whole 30, acne everywhere and redness |
I have always struggled with acne. My face would get inflamed and yet very easily as well. I'm red head so I have fair skin but this was beyond that. I've long suspected dairy.. again. I just never could give it up. But sometimes my acne was painful too. I started adding coconut oil religiously to my skin routine morning and night once I started the Whole30 and my skin began to kinda glow. I already did it a little before but Whole30 just made me wanna really commit. I still got some pimples, but not anything compared to what I had. I count this area a big non-scale victory for me. I stopped wearing makeup almost entirely and not felt very self conscious. I had very little redness and irritation and my makeup went on smoother.
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After Whole30-No makeup; No problem! |
So, I got my monthly visitor twice in my Whole30. This is because day 1 was...day 1 also and my cycles are only 26-28 days apart. The first time was the beginning of the Whole30 so it was..bad. The second time was day 27 of my Whole30. I had just gotten Tiger Blood the day before and it was a whole other ball game. I went to work ALL day, did not use my heating pad, did NOT use Ibuprofen at all and I cleaned the house when I came home! This is so significant I could cry. This is so much more than a "diet". This is a healing plan. I feel like a human being for the first time and that I am not a slave to my disease.
Overall... I cannot say enough good about this program. My husband is intrigued and he may join me soon, once he is done traveling for work. Meanwhile, I am onto Round 2 today and excited for more Non Scale Victories and a more happy and manageable life!
Preach, Jamie Oliver.
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
Whole 30 - DAY ONE
Well, here it is! Day One! I can't believe I'm finally doing this. I'm kind of overwhelmed with feelings of failure already. I know I shouldn't and my husband keeps telling me to speak positive things. I guess when you're just so hard on yourself already you think the worst is going to happen. But after grocery shopping and meal prepping for this week, I felt pretty powerful actually! It is very strange.... Looking at a label an going "Nope!" and that feels very good and powerful. The food that I have, I am actually excited to eat. I think that's what's different about the whole 30. I don't load my grocery cart up with leafy vegetables and fruit and a few low fat high chemical extras that I'm not excited for. I get to eat grass-fed ground beef, Pork Loin, and chicken thighs. I also get yummy fats like avocados, coconut oil/milk/butter, and it was awesome making the Whole 30 Mayo and the Sunshine Sauce. Still gotta make the Morrocan Sauce though.
I followed this meal plan for week one, and that just took most of the anxiety away! God bless Melissa Joulwan! I followed everything to a T and it just really helped me feel more powerful and prepared. Now I know I will need to take some initiative in the future to plan my own recipes and meals etc but I just for now need this plan showing me exactly what to do.
Soo last night, I had a few glasses of wine and ate a bowl of pasta for my "last meal". I started pitching just about everything that was off plan, and ate a few of those things too. Also very relevant because yesterday was "Fat Tuesday", the day before Lent. I decided to start today which was Lent as my co-worker who is doing it with me wanted to do. So after I had my cheat meal and finished up meal prep, I GOT SICK. Yeah, I got sick... what the hell. Plus I got a whole lot of anxiety and dreams of failure. This morning I was still a wreck from being sick at night and called of from work, which I really needed to go into work today to get some things done and be on track with my cases. So, not the best start. At all. I just made Aidell's Apple Chicken Sausage, reheated some green beans sauteed in coconut oil, half of a baked sweet potato, and half of an avocado. I was/am still so sick I can't finish it. However, I have been talking with my co-worker who is doing it and we are both just really proud of ourselves for being on day one! It's exciting after talking about doing something and comparing notes on research we've been reading for like a year. It's time to actually do something and stop being so miserable! In our small town, there's not a lot of options and frankly, not a lot of other people eating the way we are. We are the minority. But we. are. doing. it.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Whole 30- Newbie Chronicles
Many of you may have found my little blog through my new instagram, Whole30_Newbiechronicles. I'm happy you're here! You're now my little inner circle; the people who I share my thoughts with beyond what I normally would. If you've found this blog, you probably don't know me personally, and I love that! I share a lot on here and it's nice to be a little more open.
If you do know me, this blog may share a little more about myself than I share in my day to day with you. That's okay too, but if you have any questions about things I post here, ask me in person! Also, maybe it's a good lesson in "don't judge a book by it's cover."
When we last left off, I was healing and rejoicing in the renewal of something very important to me. God had never left me and got me through the most difficult time in my life. I was so excited, thankful, and happy. I had lost over 40 lbs, some of it through healthy diet and exercise, and the other lbs were through starvation and overwork when I was walking my difficult journey. I was down to 127lbs, and not in a healthy way. When the stress subsided and my husband snuggled me, loved me and took me out to dinner all the time, I became relaxed, happy and thankful.
If you do know me, this blog may share a little more about myself than I share in my day to day with you. That's okay too, but if you have any questions about things I post here, ask me in person! Also, maybe it's a good lesson in "don't judge a book by it's cover."
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If you only knew what I was going through behind this smile. |
And fat.
I got fat.
There ya go, people! See, I told you I would be honest. Thank God for the support of lovely strangers. Don't judge. Don't judge.
I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease in April 2014. More about that later.
I have been pretty miserable with my health for about a year, and the depression hit with my diagnosis. I have been researching the Autoimmune protocol, Paleo, Endo Diet and other types of elimination protocols for about a year. I'm a total nerd and I love reading about healing through nutrition. I love that kinda crap.
Enter in: WHOLE 30!
One of my co-workers has been struggling with an autoimmune disorder as well and I have opened up to her with my struggles and trying to learn more. She asked me last week to hold her accountable throughout her first whole 30 and asked if I'd like to join. I quickly researched it and I was ALL IN.
So I totally completely freakishly jumped in!
Now, I am an informed junk food over eater. I know it's bad, I know why, and I still eat it. Did I mention I also have chronic stress disorder?
Ya....I'm a mess...
I created aforementioned Instagram account and immediately began my personal journal. I started my week one meal plan so that each Meal is accounted, shopped and prepped for. I even got another co-worker and maybe my husband to join!
The day one of my Whole 30 is going to be on February 18th, which is the first day of Lent. Please Join me along the way!
Monday, December 30, 2013
More Than Enough- A year & a half in review.
Let me catch you up to date since the last post you have viewed.
Much has happened, changed, been lost, been gained, been destroyed, been restored, and forgiven. Forgotten.
And I am thankful.
SO... we moved to Florida.
Jacksonville, to be exact.
This is the night we arrived, full of excitement. Nothing could bring us down! We lived in a place that looked like this, had exciting downtown life, restaurants, people, and business opportunities. In fact, Dane started working at a Verizon in St. Augustine, a new location that he was excited to be at. The plan was for Dane to essentially "launch" this brand new store and we would be there 6 months then move back home to Ohio.
We moved into a fabulous apartment {that had a POOL!} and I set out to get new jobs & enjoy our new location.
The goodwills here were the bomb.com. We got our new Florida clothes and I got new jobs at Starbucks and Panera. Dane started looking like this:
I got red highlights in my hair, kept working out, and I was looking all like this:
We were having a blast. Life was good. Love was in the air. We were going out to eat all the time, dreaming, exploring our new home, and loving life. We were about to buy these beautiful bikes to ride on the beach. According to us, and our plan, life was about where we wanted it as a young couple.
Then, every thing changed.
There was intense hardship we didn't see coming.
I drew closer to GOD.
God said really sweet things to me like "You are not alone" and "I love you more than anything" and "I love Dane that much too".
And I learned to say "I know, I love you too" and that turned into "I know I can trust you" and that turned into "I trust you with everything" and that turned into "YOU are my everything. Nothing else matters".
I lived like I never lived before. I threw caution to the wind. I loved God, I loved people, I loved my husband, with nothing in return.
For four months that summer and fall, I worked 80 hour weeks to stay where I was.
I worked at Starbucks a regular shift of 5am to 1:30pm and then a shift at Panera from 2pm to 11pm.
Then, my alarm went off at 3:45am and I did it all again.
Boy that did a number on me physically.
I said I was still dieting and losing weight but the reality is I was starving and overworked. I looked like this:
When I was too exhausted to breathe, GOD gave me breath. When I was more alone than ever, God gave me DIANA.
My mentor, my friend. Diana was the friend of my manager at Starbucks. She introduced us and little did we know what would happen next. Diana was more than I deserved in a friend. She was a breath of Grace into my life. She taught me and poured into me. We shared life together, we shared countless hours we should have been doing other things. We shared our deepest parts of our souls. She taught me SO much.
A year later, I learned that I even taught HER.
I was living and feeling more than ever before.
I was walking in His strength daily. I was attending Access Church, I was even teaching piano lessons to my Starbucks manager's son. Carlisle was my faithful pal, forgiving me for the walks that turned into runs because I had to go back to work and snuggling me when I cried a little in my bed at night.
They also offered me promotion to shift supervisor at both Starbucks and Panera and the managers poured into me.
I worked with all my heart and lived with all my heart. And prayed with all my heart.
And my prayers were answered.
On October 22, 2013, in Delaware Ohio this happened:
If you know me, you know this story and what is depicted in this picture.
If you don't, you don't know the story, but you just need to know this part. GOD is enough.
God is ENOUGH.
He carried me through and walked beside me and I knew His promises to me were sure. And I knew HE loved me and I knew He loved Dane and I knew that was enough.
The rest, as they say, is history. The rest is just the details.
The meat is in that picture and in my heart.
God is MORE than enough.
Much has happened, changed, been lost, been gained, been destroyed, been restored, and forgiven. Forgotten.
And I am thankful.
SO... we moved to Florida.
Jacksonville, to be exact.
This is the night we arrived, full of excitement. Nothing could bring us down! We lived in a place that looked like this, had exciting downtown life, restaurants, people, and business opportunities. In fact, Dane started working at a Verizon in St. Augustine, a new location that he was excited to be at. The plan was for Dane to essentially "launch" this brand new store and we would be there 6 months then move back home to Ohio.
We moved into a fabulous apartment {that had a POOL!} and I set out to get new jobs & enjoy our new location.
The goodwills here were the bomb.com. We got our new Florida clothes and I got new jobs at Starbucks and Panera. Dane started looking like this:
I got red highlights in my hair, kept working out, and I was looking all like this:
We were having a blast. Life was good. Love was in the air. We were going out to eat all the time, dreaming, exploring our new home, and loving life. We were about to buy these beautiful bikes to ride on the beach. According to us, and our plan, life was about where we wanted it as a young couple.
Then, every thing changed.
There was intense hardship we didn't see coming.
I drew closer to GOD.
God said really sweet things to me like "You are not alone" and "I love you more than anything" and "I love Dane that much too".
And I learned to say "I know, I love you too" and that turned into "I know I can trust you" and that turned into "I trust you with everything" and that turned into "YOU are my everything. Nothing else matters".
I lived like I never lived before. I threw caution to the wind. I loved God, I loved people, I loved my husband, with nothing in return.
For four months that summer and fall, I worked 80 hour weeks to stay where I was.
I worked at Starbucks a regular shift of 5am to 1:30pm and then a shift at Panera from 2pm to 11pm.
Then, my alarm went off at 3:45am and I did it all again.
Boy that did a number on me physically.
I said I was still dieting and losing weight but the reality is I was starving and overworked. I looked like this:
When I was too exhausted to breathe, GOD gave me breath. When I was more alone than ever, God gave me DIANA.
My mentor, my friend. Diana was the friend of my manager at Starbucks. She introduced us and little did we know what would happen next. Diana was more than I deserved in a friend. She was a breath of Grace into my life. She taught me and poured into me. We shared life together, we shared countless hours we should have been doing other things. We shared our deepest parts of our souls. She taught me SO much.
A year later, I learned that I even taught HER.
I was living and feeling more than ever before.
I was walking in His strength daily. I was attending Access Church, I was even teaching piano lessons to my Starbucks manager's son. Carlisle was my faithful pal, forgiving me for the walks that turned into runs because I had to go back to work and snuggling me when I cried a little in my bed at night.
They also offered me promotion to shift supervisor at both Starbucks and Panera and the managers poured into me.
I worked with all my heart and lived with all my heart. And prayed with all my heart.
And my prayers were answered.
On October 22, 2013, in Delaware Ohio this happened:
If you know me, you know this story and what is depicted in this picture.
If you don't, you don't know the story, but you just need to know this part. GOD is enough.
God is ENOUGH.
He carried me through and walked beside me and I knew His promises to me were sure. And I knew HE loved me and I knew He loved Dane and I knew that was enough.
The rest, as they say, is history. The rest is just the details.
The meat is in that picture and in my heart.
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Three Years of Marriage |
God is MORE than enough.
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